Our Vision

A world where the Yorùbá social and cultural presence, encompassing the globally dispersed and diverse generations of its people, are brought together through its linguistic digital communications, enabled through technological inventions, modifications, and standardizations geared for the Yorùbá orthography .

Our Mission

Ọrọèdè Development Group, through the creation and dispersion of digital software, tutorials, and articles, will produce and present methodologies of creating Yorùbá orthography in digital literature.

Group Goals

  • Encourage interest and understanding in the vision of Ọrọèdè Development Group through the demonstration and release of properly tested and documented software to current Yorùbá digital authors, and potential adopters.
  • Compile a Yorùbá lexicon that will serve as a base for translations for other projects, and create interfaces with various technologies, to facilitate search and retrieve operations with lexicon's data.
  • Endeavour to ignite the interest in Yorùbá digital works among Yorùbá's diverse generation who find a split between their cultural heritage and the world around them.
  • Facilitate the training and bringing together of dedicated programmers to expand the development and modification of various OpenSource software to accomodate the Yorùbá orthography.

Support This Project

your support will enable commercial hosting of the project, fund the development and modification of various OpenSource software to accomodate the Yorùbá orthography.